
Showing posts from January, 2022


  WHITEHATCREW CTF 2022 Writeups for CTF Posted on january 3.2022 Category : Cryptography 1.Beginner Cryptograph First, we will get a code like this =[ YmFzZTY0X2lzX292ZXJyYXRlZA== ]                     Then, we decode it to base64 -[  base64_is_overrated] The answer will be WCH{base64_is_overrated} 2.Anencephaly First, we will get a file name anencephaly There is a code inside it Decode it to base64 and we will get : Use C++ coding in And we will get a new code : [V0hDe0FQQV9LQUlUQU5fRE99] Decode it to base64 and get the answer = WHC{APA_KAITAN_DO} 3.Botak First, we get a pyhton coding  Open it with IDLE and there is comment with a code Run the python coding that given and use cipher decoder to get the answer Then we will get the answer = WCH{unclePenatLahSiapaBuatNiMemangNakKenaPukul} 4.XORing We will get a zip file name XORing.7z Inside it there is some clue:-  The ascii value of the character %c is %d